Monday, June 18, 2012

32 weeks

For the past week or so, I have apparently been nesting. I've heard about people cleaning like crazy, but I haven't been doing that a whole lot, so I figured it just wasn't going to affect me. I was telling the teacher I work with on Fridays about some projects that I've been working on, and they all said at the same time, "Oh, you're totally nesting." I can't tell you when it started, but I'm pretty sure it started with Pinterest. I started pinning all things compiled in notebooks with dividers, and I got really into classroom organization. I looked at all of my teacher pins for reading, and I've been working on ideas for tracking student progress and organizing guided reading materials. The only way I can describe it is feeling horny for organization. If I'm horny for organization, then file folders/labels/post-its are like my porn and three-hole punching/sorting/labeling/consolidating is like masturbation. I know, it's not a pretty reference, but it's the only analogy that seems to fit. I was able to put down the binders and papers for the weekend, and I plowed my way through some of the piles around the house. My mom came to stay with me for the weekend since Cory was out of town, and we accomplished a LOT together. It was all worthwhile too when Cory came home, didn't even notice, and then threw all of his stuff from the weekend all over the livingroom...

How far along:  32 weeks, 5 days down
Countdown: 7 weeks, 2 days left to go! (even though I'm pretty sure she will be here before that)
Baby's Approximate Size: she's as big as a honeydew (19 in, 4.5 pounds)
Total Weight Gain:  I couldn't tell you...I now face away from the scale at the doctor's office
Sleep:  I sleep without any major problems. However, rolling over in the middle of the night is a VERY uncomfortable task, and getting out of bed to pee is the worst.
Best moment this week:  I've had lots of great moments, but the best one so far was today at Starbucks. I've been downing so much water and juice that I decided to mix it up with some iced tea. As I was waiting in line for my drink, this woman came up behind me, tapped me on the shoulder, and said that I looked great from behind and that she couldn't believe I was pregnant. Pretty much everyone tells you that you look great when you're pregnant because that's just code. This woman kept going on and on about how she wished she looked like me when she was pregnant, but she was sincere, and had the biggest heart. She didn't seem to get up for any reason other than to tell me that, and it truly made my day. When you feel fat and swollen and like your face is starting to swallow itself, it's nice to be told that you don't look that way. I've had so many people tell me how worried they are about me lately that it's nice to have someone (even a complete stranger) tell you that you're doing just fine. It means a lot to those of us who haven't had the easiest pregnancy and don't think it's all of this rainbows-and-butterflies shit that everyone talks about. I fear going back to that Starbucks because I'd hate to walk in and be disappointed that she's not there. I also had a FABULOUS shower last weekend that I'll post pictures of when I get the digital files.
Meltdown this week: I got some pretty scary news last week at my doctor's appointment, so I'm under close watch this week. It was the first appointment that I was supposed to go to by myself, but I obviously called Cory and he was there within a few minutes. I waited until I got home to have my meltdown so that I could have the ugly cry in the privacy of my own home. 
Movement:  Baby girl is VERY busy in there. Every now and again, I feel her doing these little, rhythmic movements on the lower left side of my belly. I thought that she was just practicing her rhythm and dance moves, but it occurred to me today that that's where her ribs are, and she's hiccuping. In fact, she's doing it again right now. Poor thing...I get them all the time, and they are loud and obnoxious. I guess she gets that from me. For the past 2 weeks or so, I've felt a lot more movement; probably because she's running out of room in there. At out 4D ultrasound, I got to watch her moving around and I was surprised to know that what feels like BIG movements are actually pretty small. I can't imagine what it's going to feel like in another month. It's fun to watch her rolly-polley around in there.
Cravings: I still love anything lemon, and I've been pretty successful at replacing lemon bars with lemon yogurt. I can't get enough water, and I'm still loving any kind of tart-ish juice (mango lemonade, orange juice, etc). 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not anymore.
Labor Signs:  No labor signs yet, but she's sitting pretty low, and the pressure makes me feel like I get kicked in the pelvic bone everyday.
Symptoms:  Wait for it...foot pain, foot swelling, kankles/disappearing ankle bones, high-ish blood pressure, hip pain, pelvic pain, back aches, and the inability to sit up or get up quickly. I'm also starting to feel more Braxton-Hicks. 
Belly Button in or out:  It's still in, but one little part of it is kinda out. It just looks gross.
Wedding Rings on or off: I can still wear my wedding band, but my engagement ring doesn't fit anymore, so I borrowed another band from Pops. I'm hoping to go find some other bands that I can wear in the meantime because I feel naked without them anymore.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  It depends on the day and what I've eaten.
Looking forward to:  Having the nursery completed and everything ready to go. For the nursery, we just need a mattress, something to store her toys in, crib sheets, a changing pad, changing pad covers, and some sheet protectors. I also need to finish putting up her bookshelves and picture frames (as soon as they're ready). After my shower on the 30th, I hope to head to Babies-R-Us to order all of the other stuff we need before she gets here so that if she comes early, we're ready (monitor, sleep nest, stroller, car seat, etc). Most of all, I'm looking forward to meeting out sweet baby girl! Here are a few we're-not-quite-finished-yet shots of the nursery:
What I miss the most:  I still miss sleeping on my stomach. I miss running and being able to work out so hard that you get a really good sweat going. I also miss having the energy to run around and do everything that needs to get done. I miss wine and sangria, and I can't wait until I can fit back into all of my old clothes!